Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Bacon Dog

Oscar Mayer has now released a new product for their hotdog line. The special thing about these dogs are they include bacon! Unfortunately, they aren't pure bacon dogs, as they still contain turkey, chicken and pork. Oscar Mayer mentioned that they know bacon, and knows that Americans love bacon. These delicacies will be out on shelves for memorial weekend.


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Time For Plan B?

Personally, I hope not, but if you are in a scary conundrum involving a need for the pill Plan B, then you are in luck. Plan B will now be available over the counter for ages 15 and older. The pill is used to mitigate or more accurately, reduce the chance of getting pregnant after having sex. It's effectiveness is lost after 72 hours after sexual intercourse. The FDA has made the decision of making the pill Plan B available over the counter and not require a prescription because they feel it would do more good then harm and prevent many unwanted pregnancies. Buyers of the Plan B pill must be 15 years of age and will have their age validated at the register. The proof of age must be government issued. Plan B will be available on shelves near you.


Thursday, April 25, 2013

Shop With Da Lady Bugs

If you are planning on going to Mall of America anytime soon, prepare for lady bugs to fly along the ways while shopping. The lady bugs have been released into the mall by the management as a form of bio-safe pesticide. Since all the bugs that like to eat up the plants, the lady bugs enjoy eating, the lady bugs are making it so the mall does not have to use actual pesticides. People are worried that of the 72,000 lady bugs, some will find their way into food. The management aren't worried since they know that the lady bugs have very little to no interest at all into human food, unless of course, one is eating bugs.


Thursday, April 11, 2013

Walmart Paintings For $40K

Painter Brendan O'Connell has made a few portraits of people in Walmart. The portraits go for about $40,000. He accomplished this by traveling and go to many different Walmart's across the nation and taking pictures. His reason for this was he wanted to capture everyday life. Detail and abstraction were his goals while painting these pieces.


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

New York Mayor Proposes Hiding Cigarettes

The mayor of New York is wanting to pass a law forcing any business selling cigarettes to hide it from the view of the public. This of course would only take place within New York. The reason behind this proposed law is due to the ideology of "Out of site, Out of mind". Statistics for this kind of thing are hard to come by, but stats for things like the amount of people whom die of smoking cancer every year are helpful. Some groups are happily surprised about this because they also want to prevent people from smoking and the such. Although this concept works for all age groups, it is meant for teenagers.


Monday, April 1, 2013

North Korea Rages War - On Pearl Harbor

While most were enjoying Easter on the 31st of March, North Korea had sent it's first nuclear bomb into space and had hit Pearl Harbor leaving millions dead and thousands radioactive. All radioactive survivors have been brought to an underground hidden base in Central America for limb testing. The United States and North Korea are now at war. The United Nations have agreed to back the United States in "Sinking" North Korea. Every nation within the United Nations will have their turn on carpet bombing North Korea. United Nation officials said they are going to take this like they would a birthday party... "Pinata". Every nation bombing North Korea will get to pick a straw and whoever gets the longest gets to go first and the order continues from longest to shortest. Whoever deals the winning blow gets North Korea though. The United Nations are not worried about civilians because the United States have already air-shipped all of them out while North Korea's entire army patrolled the nation's borders. The civilians will be used as replacements for the loss in Pearl Harbor. Instead of sending all the civilians to Pearl Harbor now since all the Hawaiian volcanoes have erupted, the United States will send them and provide them with jobs at the Canadian border. The United States fears Canada may harbor North Korean officials whom have fled from North Korea and want to use the citizens from North Korea to spot all the corrupted North Korean officials. Every North Korean citizen whom spots another North Korean that isn't friendly will get a home fresh from the new home factory started in Door County Wisconsin.


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

State Champion Athlete Called Fat

A ten-year old wrestler was sent a letter in the mail calling him fat. The awful part was that the state sent the letter. The jurisdiction of his health was based off of his BMI. The thing is though, is that this boy is a state  wrestler champion. It is required by the schools in the state to gather data of students to calculate their BMI and if they aren't considered fit, the child will receive a letter in the mail saying so. As a defense, the state says they are trying to raise awareness in parents.
